Khaos Theory
My favorite part of being a horse girl is the first 3 steps into the barn. There is something about stepping into that space that feels sacred. It doesn’t matter what is happening in my life, how long I have been gone, or what is on the agenda for the day. Walking towards the barn, my head comes up, my stride lengthens, my chest loosens, and when I cross the threshold, everything else falls away, and I can breathe. There is truly no greater instant gratification than thoroughly cleaning a stall. If I get to groom a horse, I find peace. When I tack and mount up, there is courage. As my horse supples, or bends, or yields to my body aids, my insecurities fade. When I push my heels down, I join the ranks of every equestrian ever, therefore truly experiencing belonging. A wild gallop across the sunset fields is best described as absolute freedom.
It is those feelings and experiences that we offer our clients. We don’t teach you to ride, we teach you to live. When you take a lesson, it’s not about learning to control your horse, it’s about mastering control over yourself in order to lead your equine partner. Chores - those are about learning to balance responsibility and privilege. Training or retraining is about recognizing and encouraging potential. Progress is facilitated by patience and trust. I have found nothing that checks your ego faster than eating dirt. Mounted and unmounted skills are equally important, and loading a problem horse in the trailer successfully teaches that there are no shortcuts and stable, consistent effort creates its own reward.
I believe that every day I should be better than I was the day before, and our minds are our most powerful ally and formidable enemy. As a MO Qualified Mental Health Professional, I pull form a wide variety of traditional and holistic modalities to provide present centered solutions to daily mental struggles. As an equestrian, I am aware of the magic (and science) that comes with working with horses. Horses bio-electromagnetic field naturally helps regulate human heart-rate and breathing. This allows space to process trauma and create new neural-pathways. I am incredibly passionate about the merging of these two fields and healing possibilities.
Affectionally dubbed Khaos Theory, equine assisted mental health sessions with me offer the opportunity to tackle daily mental health concerns or trauma, from the side. Your equine partner provides steady support as you explore tough experiences and topics that are holding you back or creating negative consequences in your life. It works the same in reverse, if your horse has had trauma, you provide support and comfort as we work them through the after effects. In both cases, deep connection and trust are enhanced between you and your horse as I offer direction and real time solutions, as you heal yourself. These sessions are available by appointment only, in order to facilitate whatever level of privacy is appropriate. -Krista